Fakultas Pendidikan Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia


On June 26 and 27 2023 a meeting was held between the Leading University Project for International Cooperation / LUPIC delegates which is a program from the Korean Ministry of Education represented by Sogang University Prof. Wonkoo Lee and the UPI Chemistry Education Department, Semarang State University, Ganesha State University, and Sanata Dharma University in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Education (FPMIPA) UPI and the Mercure Hotel. The activity began with the reception of the delegates in the FPMIPA UPI meeting room by Prof. Dr. Bunyamin Maftuh, M.Pd. M.A., (Vice Chancellor for Research, International Relations, Partnerships and Business), Prof. Ahmad Buchori Muslim, Ph.D. (Director of the Directorate of Foreign Affairs, DIA), head of FPMIPA UPI, Prof. Dr. Tatang Herman, M.Ed. (dean), Dr. err. nat. Adi Rahmat M.Sc. (Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs), Prof. Dr. Nahadi, M.Pd., M.Sc. (Deputy Dean for Resources and Finance), Dr. Dadi Rusdiana, M.Sc. (Deputy Dean for Student Affairs). This meeting is a continuation of the MoU agreement reached between UPI and Sogang University in collaboration with UNNES and Undiksha.

In the meeting the faculty leaders and also the university supported the collaboration carried out by both parties. Meanwhile in the report submitted by Prof. Wonkoo Lee, Sogang University will provide assistance annually in the amount of 3.6 billion for 3 universities whose use is based on the loading of each university’s activities for 6 years. These activities are derived from the objectives that have been prepared by LUPIC. Several programs that were highlighted from this activity included: (1) Chemistry Education Program and National University Capacity Building, (2) Expansion of STEM-linked Education for Scientific Competency of Prospective Teachers, (3) Incumbent Science Teacher Retraining Program, and (4) Social Contribution: Appropriate Technology-Based Regional Networks and Activities. In the two-day meeting at UPI and the Mercure hotel, the three universities together with LUPIC, the complexity of the activities in the first year. The results of the disaster in the first year of UPI, in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture will carry out several activities in the form of: (1) participating in workshop activities for STEM at UNNES; (2) the establishment of a virtual world class; (3) did 2 mixed courses; (4) purchase of equipment (UV-Vis double beam); (5) updating experimental subjects; (6) online SSC & SSC experimental video production; (7) holding an academic writing workshop with outputs submitting 2 articles; (8) carrying out P2M activities involving local and international MGMP networks (UPI western region) to the western region; (9) Visiting Professor for online international classes; (10) take part in international conferences; (11) training courses and students to Sogang; (12) participating in national seminars/symposiums to present the results of the workshop at Undiksha; (13) purchase of laboratory equipment, UPI: analytical balance; (14) produce 3 videos and share them on Youtube/spada/any platform; (15) establishing an integrated laboratory (fablab); (16) conducting guest lectures/general stadiums; and (16) Holding a science competition.

The delegates who attended the activities on the 26th and 27th included:

Prof. Dr, Bunyamin Maftuh, M.Pd. M.A., (Vice Rector for Research, International Affairs, Partnership, and Business, UPI)

Prof. Ahmad Buchori Muslim, Ph.D. ( Director of Directorate of International Affairs, DIA UPI)

Prof. Dr. Tatang Herman, M.Ed. (Dean, FPMIPA UPI)

Dr. rer. nat. Adi Rahmat M.Si. (Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, FPMIPA UPI)

Prof. Dr. Nahadi, M.Pd., M.Si. (Vice Dean for Resources and Financial Affairs, FPMIPA UPI)

Dr. Dadi Rusdiana, M.Si. (Vice Dean for Student Affairs, FPMIPA UPI)

Prof. Wonkoo Lee (Sogang University)

Prof. Dr. Asep Kadarohman, M.Si. (UPI)

Dr. Lucia Wijayanti (Universitas Sanata Dharma)

Dr. Cepi (UNNES)

Dr. I Gede Aris Gunadi (Undiksha)

Made Windu Antara Kesiman, Ph.D ( Undiksha)

Prof. Woro Sumarni (UNNES)

Dr. Hendrawan, M.Si. (UPI)

Dr. Hernani, M.Si. (UPI)

Dr. Sri Mulyani, M.Si. (UPI)

Prof. Dr. Fitri Khoerunnisa, M.Si. (UPI)

Dr. Wiji, M.Si. (UPI)

Muhamad Nurul Hana, M.Pd. (UPI)

Triannisa Rahmawati, S.Pd., M.Si. (UPI)

Miarthi K Nias, M.Pd. (UPI)

Tuszie Widhiyanti, Ph.D. (UPI)