Chiba University Visit to FabLab Edu
On Tuesday, March 4, 2024, FabLab Edu, Chemistry Education and Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), which was funded by Leading Unicersity Project for International Cooperation (LUPIC), Sogang University, South Korea, received a visit from the Twincle Project to enhance the skills of students as global human resources. The visitors were welcomed by the director of DIA UPI, the head of FMNS, representatives from Labschool UPI, faculty lecturers, and staff in the meeting room of FMNS, before proceeding to FabLab Edu. During their visit to FabLab Edu, Prof. Jun Nomura and 18 students from Chiba University were accompanied by Dr. Tuszie Widhiyanti, M.Pd., Ph.D. The visit took place from 3:00 PM in FabLab rooms, C-101 and C-108, FMNS UPI. The visit included a series of activities such as introducing 3D scanner tools, filament 3D printing, resin 3D printing, UV print, and laser cutting.
The first activity was an introduction to 3D printing tools and 3D scanners, which was guided by Mrs. Triannisa Rahmawati, S.Pd., M.Si., and Mrs. Miarti Khimatun Nais, S.Pd., M.Pd. Participants were introduced to different types of machines and 3D printing materials, as well as the 3D scanning process. Next, the participants were introduced to laser cutting tools, which was guided by Vito Winata Haunan, a Chemistry Education student. The participants observed the process of making keychains as products from the laser cutting tool. Later, Prof. Jun Nomura and the students from Chiba University were presented with souvenirs in the form of keychains with their respective names. The visit concluded with a group photo at the FMNS C building with the FabLab Edu backdrop. [VWH]
Observing the laser cutting process
Group photo with FabLab Edu and Chiba University
A visit to the UPI Edu Fabrication Lab (Fablab) was carried out by the coordinator of the Leading University Project for International Cooperation (LUPIC), Prof. WonKoo Lee from Sogang University, South Korea, on December 18 2023. The aim of the visit was to check the implementation of equipment procurement assistance provided by the South Korean Government to Fablab Edu UPI. In his direction, Prof. WonKoo Lee expressed his satisfaction with the equipment provided by Fablab Edu UPI and hoped that it could improve the quality of science education, especially chemistry education in Indonesia. He also hopes that Fablab Edu can be used by students, teachers and the wider community, so that it can provide greater benefit value. It was further stated that Fablab Edu UPI would be used as a model for establishing Fablabs at Semarang State University (UNNES) and Ganesha Education University (UNDIKSA) which together with UPI received assistance from the South Korean government through the LUPIC program. During a visit to the UPI Edu Fablab, Prof. WonKoo Lee accompanied by Prof. Jin Seok Lee from Hanyang University Korea, who has a lot of experience in making artificial organs using Fablab 3D Printer equipment and also present Dr. Cepi Kurniawan from UNNES.
Triannisa, person in charge (PIC) for Fablab Edu equipment procurement, stated that the number of tools that had been purchased was 21 tools consisting of 3D Printer filament and resin, CNC laser cutting, 3D scanner, UV printer and vinyl cutting with funds totaling around 750 million rupiah. . Triannisa further stated that with the Fablab equipment, students would be able to create more realistic three-dimensional media. This will increase students’ understanding of the abstract concepts they are studying. Apart from that, with the Fablab, students can realize the creative ideas they have thought of and can develop and build an entrepreneurial spirit.
Triannisa further stated that Fablab Edu was the first Fablab in Indonesia which was founded at universities with the main mission of preparing professional teachers. Fablab equipment based on digital technology will make it easier for teachers to create tools/media for learning. This is important for pre-service teacher to know and master these facilities. [TR]
The academic writing was held by the chemistry and chemistry education study program, Faculty of Mathematics and Science Education (FMSE), Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia on August 29-30th, 2023 in smartclass room, 2nd floor of this faculty at 08.00-12.00 Western Indonesian Time. This workshop is fully supported by Leading University Project for International Cooperation (LUPIC) in hybrid mode. A total around 55 participants (with the background from lecturer, doctoral-master-undergraduate students) joint this workshop onsite, and 80-176 participants from many institutions in Indonesia (with the background of lecturer, doctoral-master-undergraduate students, teacher, researcher, etc) joined by zoom on 1st and 2nd day. Prof. Wonkoo Lee as the representative from LUPIC and Prof. Fitri Khoerunnisa as head of chemistry study program gave an opening remark on this program. In his speech, Prof. Wonkoo Lee and Prof. Fitri delivered their hope that after the academic workshop, participants will have enough competence to make a reputable journal, and can publish the journal. “Scientific writing for research and review articles and how to prepare and submit an article to a reputable journal” was the topic of this workshop. Elsevier Asia Pacific. The 1st day was a panel presentation of the material, and the 2nd day was the workshop on participants’ articles their belonging so that their articles were reviewed directly by speakers. Besides being attended on site by a representative from LUPIC, Prof. Wonkoo Lee, this workshop also presents reputable speakers: Prof. Suk Lee from Pusan National University and Dr. Johan Jang from Elsevier Asia Pasific.
On the 1st day, Prof. Suk Lee delivered his topic under the title “Scientific Writing for Research and review articles”. More precisely, He talked about types of academic writing, the structure of paper, planning and writing process, how to make concise, clear, and direct sentences, and what we have to prepare before submitting the article (the last check of the article). On the last check of the article, He told us that the article must be sort, remove meaningless or redundant words, put character as subject, avoid nominalization of verbs and adjectives, and don’t be too assertive. Prof. Suk Lee actually not only gave theory but also provided the presentation with clear of example how to write each part of the article, which made the presentation very clear and flawless.
On the other part, Dr. Johan Jang delivered his topic under the title “Choosing the right journals for your research publications”. In detail, he talked about foundational understanding in publishing research papers (subscription and open access, journal aim and scope, journal content, journal impact, and journal insight), tools to support journal selection, avoiding predatory publication, and ethics in publishing. In his talked, he said that our ethical responsibilities as authors are to avoid: (1) Paper Brokers: a middleman between authors and journals in which authorship of articles can be bought; (2) Guaranteed publication; (3) Involvement in citation manipulation: the practice of artificially inflating the number of citations to a particular piece of research or researcher’s work (which include: self-citation, coordinated citation, citation cartel, and citation buying or selling), which make the participants more confident what may and may not on publication. The first day of academic writing activities was very participatory between participants who joined onsite and online via zoom.
On the 2nd day, the workshop presented articles from participants and reviewed by speakers. But before, Prof. Jin Seok Lee from Hanyang University gave his speech and there was an MoU signing of cooperation between Center for Next Generation Energy Materials Technology at Hanyang University and Chemistry Study Program at Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (please find out the news on this website) for five years. In the article workshop, there were around 8 articles reviewed together at that time. The speakers, Prof. Suk Lee, Dr. Johan Jang, also Prof. Wonkoo Lee and Prof. Jin Seok Lee gave their comments from the abstract until the conclusion precisely, so that participants whose article was reviewed know their article’s weaknesses, and can repair it.
At the end of this program, Prof. Asep Kadarohman as the chairman of the committee, closed the program and delivered his thankful for the great participants and impeccable speakers. In the participants’s view, they were very enthusiastic and satisfied with this program.
Thank you, and see you on the other program.[tr]
The 2nd online Mode Community Services Activities: Collaboration Chemistry Education FPMIPA UPI- PPG – LUPIC, South Korea
Community service activities, in which this activity is in collaboration with MGMP Sukabumi and supported by PPG Pre-service and LUPIC (Leading University Project for International Cooperation) South Korea, held again on August 5, 2023 by online. This is a continuation of the Chemistry Education Departement at Sukabumi activities which were carried out previously on July 20, 2023 offline at SMAN 1 Pelabhanratu and online 1 on July 29, 2023. Offline activities are carried out material presentation included (1) Differentiated Learning by Dr. Sri Mulyani, M.Sc., with the team, (2) Social-Emotional Learning by Dr. Hernani, M.SI., with the team, (3) Principles of Effective Teaching and Assessment by Dra. Wiwi Siswaningsih, M.Si., with the team, and (4) New Technologies in Learning and Teaching by Dr. Wiji, M.Si with the team, as well as a description of PPG by the chairman and secretary of the PPG program of the Department of Chemistry Education by Drs. Rahmat Setiadi, M.Sc., and Muhamad Nurul Hana, M.Pd. Meanwhile, the online activity 1 begins with a review of the 4 previous materials by Dr. Hernani, M.Sc., followed by the method of analysis of a group of data by Tuszie Widhiyanti, Ph.D.
In the second meeting which was held online on August, 5th, 2023, around a total of 53 participants participated in this activity from lecturers, PPG students, and Sukabumi high school teachers. The activity carried out on 2nd online P2M is the dissemination of data owned by the teacher, which will be appointed to become a scientific paper to be submitted in a journal. In this dissemination the form displayed is not in the form of articles but still in the form of power points, the aim is to get input when it is presented from all P2M participants. On this occasion there were 7 teachers presenting, with the following presentation titles: (1) Persepsi siswa terhadap empathy dan mindfulness guru kimia Kab. Sukabumi; (2) Profil compassion dan Critical inquiry skill guru kimia SMA Kabupaten Sukabumi; (3) Profil sosial awareness, relationship skill, dan responsible decision-making skill guru kimia SMA Kabupaten Sukabumi di mata siswa, (4) Desain pembelajaran perkembangan teori atom menggunakan model 3D di SMA Albayan Goalpara; (5) Profil kemampuan berpikir logis siswa SMA sebagai dasar pendekatan TaRL dalam pembelajaran kimia; (6) Pemahaman siswa SMA kelas X pada materi ikatan kimia dengan menggunakan model guided discovery learning, dan (7) Pemahaman konsep dan pengetahuan prasyarat kimia peserta didik kelas X SMAN 1 Pelabuhanratu tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024.
The dissemination was very interesting because each participant appeared directly in discussion with all participants (lecturers, teachers, students), so that the time that lasted was short. After 7 appearances, the activity continued by entering the breakout room to design a strategy for each group in writing articles that would be submitted to JRPPK/JPI or did not rule out the possibility of other journals. Hopefully this P2M activity will be useful and the love for the world of Education will continue to increase. See you at the next P2M activity of the Department of Chemistry Education. (TR)
The 1st online Mode Community Services Activities: Collaboration Chemistry Education FPMIPA UPI- LUPIC Sogang University South Korea
On July 29, 2023, an online Community Service (P2M) activity was held, attended by lecturers from the chemistry education department and PPG students, around 50 participants and 30 high school teachers. This activity is a continuation of the previous P2M activity which was carried out offline at SMAN 1 Pelabuhanratu Sukabumi on July 20, 2023.
The activity with the theme “Professional Development of High School Chemistry Teacher Based on Teacher Professional Curriculum (PPG)” begins with reading a prayer together, followed by a review of the 4 previous materials by Dr. Hernani, M.Sc., followed by the method of analysis of a group of data by Tuszie Widhiyanti, Ph.D. In his review Dr. Hernani, M.Sc. convey related that differentiation is an effort to adjust the learning process in class to meet the learning needs of students; Social Emotional Learning is a process to help individuals to develop basic skills to live well; Teaching at The Right Level (TaRL) is a learning approach that refers to the level of achievement or ability of students (this learning approach does not refer to the class level of students), while Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) is a learning approach that is responsive to cultural diversity and backgrounds learners; examples of learning technology include Phet Colorado, educational games, chem draw, quizizz, virtual labs, etc.
Furthermore, after the plenary activities in the main zoom, each teacher, lecturer and PPG student enters the breakout room according to the group divisions that were previously divided, including groups: (1) Differentiated Learning, (2) Social-Emotional Learning, (3) Principles Effective Teaching and Assessment, and (4) New Technologies in Learning and Teaching. In the discussions held by each group, the discussion was more specific on the topic of discussion from each group with clearer directions from the teaching team.
These activities include deepening related material, discussion of the results of reflection on questionnaires filled in by teachers and students, presentation of understanding how to write an article contained in the form of writing systematics, how to write for each item, as well as identification of data owned by teachers that can set forth in a written essay. Henceforth P2M activities will continue on August 5, 2023 online via zoom (TR).
Community Service Activity: Collaboration Chemistry Education FPMIPA UPI-Leading University Project for International Cooperation (LUPIC) Sogang University South Korea
The community service activity with the theme High School Chemistry Teacher Professional Development Based on The PPG Curriculum Chemistry Education Department was attended by 40 chemistry teachers who joined the Chemistry Teacher Community (MGMP) in Sukabumi Regency, 32 lecturers Chemistry Education Department and 8 Teacher Professional Program (PPG) students. Community service activities are carried out offline and online. Offline activities conducted on July 20, 2023 at Public High School Number 1 (SMA Negeri 1) Pelabuhanratu Sukabumi. In his opening remarks the Principal of SMA Negeri 1, Hadi Komara Purkoni, S.S., M.M.Pd. welcomed the implementation of the community service activities, with the hope of increasing teacher professionalism.
Dr. Hendrawan, M.Si., the head Chemistry Education Department mention, in the industrial revolution 4.0 era, teachers have to have the ability to carry out innovative and fun learning by integrating critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaborative skills, creativity and innovative skills, information and communication technology literacy, contextual learning skills, and information and media literacy. For this reason, the Directorate of the Teacher Professional Education (GTK) Program organized “Teacher Professional Education Program/PPG” to produce teachers who have superior and professional competence based on Pancasila values. The PPG Program is an educational program organized to prepare graduates of the Bachelor of Education and Non-Educational S-1/D-IV who have talent and interest in becoming teachers so that they fully master teacher competence in accordance with Teacher Education Standards. Teacher Professional Education makes teachers become independent learners, innovative, agents of change, with superior competence in professional education both at national and international levels.
Until now, there are still many teachers who have not had the opportunity to take part in the PPG Program. This is very unfortunate considering that the materials provided are very relevant and can support the implementation of learning, especially for schools that have implemented the Independent Curriculum. Based on this, and taking into account the Tridharma of Higher Education and the vision and mission of the UPI Chemistry Education Department, the Chemistry Study Program implemented a Community Service Activities (PkM) in the form of outreach activities for the PPG Curriculum-Based High School Chemistry Teacher Professionalism Development program. The implementation of this activity is expected to provide insight into the professional development of teachers through the PPG Program.
The expected outputs from this PkM activity are (1) provide insight into the professional development of teachers through the PPG Program; (2) joint publications published in journals; and (3) the establishment of partnerships between schools, the Office of Education and Higher Education in an effort to improve the quality of learning in schools.
Community Service Activities (PkM) will be carried out offline and online. This activity consisted of a presentation on PPG policies and curriculum followed by a presentation of material covering new technologies in teaching and learning, Principles of effective teaching and assessment, Differentiated Learning, and Social-emotional Learning.
Community Service activities are carried out offline at SMAN 1 Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi on Thursday, July 20th, 2023, online activity via Zoom on Saturday, July 29th, 2023 and Saturday, August 5th, 2023. (AK)
On June 26 and 27 2023 a meeting was held between the Leading University Project for International Cooperation / LUPIC delegates which is a program from the Korean Ministry of Education represented by Sogang University Prof. Wonkoo Lee and the UPI Chemistry Education Department, Semarang State University, Ganesha State University, and Sanata Dharma University in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science Education (FPMIPA) UPI and the Mercure Hotel. The activity began with the reception of the delegates in the FPMIPA UPI meeting room by Prof. Dr. Bunyamin Maftuh, M.Pd. M.A., (Vice Chancellor for Research, International Relations, Partnerships and Business), Prof. Ahmad Buchori Muslim, Ph.D. (Director of the Directorate of Foreign Affairs, DIA), head of FPMIPA UPI, Prof. Dr. Tatang Herman, M.Ed. (dean), Dr. err. nat. Adi Rahmat M.Sc. (Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs), Prof. Dr. Nahadi, M.Pd., M.Sc. (Deputy Dean for Resources and Finance), Dr. Dadi Rusdiana, M.Sc. (Deputy Dean for Student Affairs). This meeting is a continuation of the MoU agreement reached between UPI and Sogang University in collaboration with UNNES and Undiksha.
In the meeting the faculty leaders and also the university supported the collaboration carried out by both parties. Meanwhile in the report submitted by Prof. Wonkoo Lee, Sogang University will provide assistance annually in the amount of 3.6 billion for 3 universities whose use is based on the loading of each university’s activities for 6 years. These activities are derived from the objectives that have been prepared by LUPIC. Several programs that were highlighted from this activity included: (1) Chemistry Education Program and National University Capacity Building, (2) Expansion of STEM-linked Education for Scientific Competency of Prospective Teachers, (3) Incumbent Science Teacher Retraining Program, and (4) Social Contribution: Appropriate Technology-Based Regional Networks and Activities. In the two-day meeting at UPI and the Mercure hotel, the three universities together with LUPIC, the complexity of the activities in the first year. The results of the disaster in the first year of UPI, in this case the Ministry of Education and Culture will carry out several activities in the form of: (1) participating in workshop activities for STEM at UNNES; (2) the establishment of a virtual world class; (3) did 2 mixed courses; (4) purchase of equipment (UV-Vis double beam); (5) updating experimental subjects; (6) online SSC & SSC experimental video production; (7) holding an academic writing workshop with outputs submitting 2 articles; (8) carrying out P2M activities involving local and international MGMP networks (UPI western region) to the western region; (9) Visiting Professor for online international classes; (10) take part in international conferences; (11) training courses and students to Sogang; (12) participating in national seminars/symposiums to present the results of the workshop at Undiksha; (13) purchase of laboratory equipment, UPI: analytical balance; (14) produce 3 videos and share them on Youtube/spada/any platform; (15) establishing an integrated laboratory (fablab); (16) conducting guest lectures/general stadiums; and (16) Holding a science competition.
The delegates who attended the activities on the 26th and 27th included:
- Dr, Bunyamin Maftuh, M.Pd. M.A., Vice Rector for Research, International Affairs, Partnership, and Business, UPI
- Ahmad Buchori Muslim, Ph.D. Director of Directorate of International Affairs, DIA UPI
- Dr. Tatang Herman, M.Ed. Dean, FPMIPA UPI
- rer. nat. Adi Rahmat M.Si. Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, FPMIPA UPI
- Dr. Nahadi, M.Pd., M.Si. Vice Dean for Resources and Financial Affairs, FPMIPA UPI
- Dadi Rusdiana, M.Si. Vice Dean for Student Affairs, FPMIPA UPI
- Wonkoo Lee Sogang University
- Dr. Asep Kadarohman, M.Si. UPI
- Lucia Wijayanti Universitas Sanata Dharma
- Cepi UNNES
- I Gede Aris Gunadi Undiksha
- Made Windu Antara Kesiman, Ph.D Undiksha
- Woro Sumarni UNNES
- Hendrawan, M.Si. UPI
- Hernani, M.Si. UPI
- Sri Mulyani, M.Si. UPI
- Dr. Fitri Khoerunnisa, M.Si. UPI
- Wiji, M.Si. UPI
- Muhamad Nurul Hana, M.Pd. UPI
- Triannisa Rahmawati, S.Pd., M.Si. UPI
- Miarthi K Nias, M.Pd. UPI