The 2nd online Mode Community Services Activities: Collaboration Chemistry Education FPMIPA UPI- PPG – LUPIC, South Korea

Community service activities, in which this activity is in collaboration with MGMP Sukabumi and supported by PPG Pre-service and LUPIC (Leading University Project for International Cooperation) South Korea, were held again on August 5, 2023 by online. This is a continuation of the Chemistry Education Department at Sukabumi activities which were carried out previously on July 20, 2023 offline at SMAN 1 Pelabhanratu and online 1 on July 29, 2023. Offline activities are carried out material presentation included (1) Differentiated Learning by Dr. Sri Mulyani, M.Sc., with the team, (2) Social-Emotional Learning by Dr. Hernani, M.SI., with the team, (3) Principles of Effective Teaching and Assessment by Dra. Wiwi Siswaningsih, M.Si., with the team, and (4) New Technologies in Learning and Teaching by Dr. Wiji, M.Si with the team, as well as a description of PPG by the chairman and secretary of the PPG program of the Department of Chemistry Education by Drs. Rahmat Setiadi, M.Sc., and Muhamad Nurul Hana, M.Pd. Meanwhile, online activity 1 begins with a review of the 4 previous materials by Dr. Hernani, M.Sc., followed by the method of analysis of a group of data by Tuszie Widhiyanti, Ph.D.

In the second meeting which was held online on August, 5th, 2023, around a total of 53 participants participated in this activity from lecturers, PPG students, and Sukabumi high school teachers. The activity carried out on 2nd online P2M is the dissemination of data owned by the teacher, which will be appointed to become a scientific paper to be submitted to a journal. In this dissemination, the form displayed is not in the form of articles but still in the form of power points, the aim is to get input when it is presented from all P2M participants. On this occasion, there were 7 teachers presenting, with the following presentation titles: (1) Persepsi siswa terhadap empathy dan mindfulness guru kimia Kab. Sukabumi; (2) Profil compassion dan Critical inquiry skill  guru kimia SMA Kabupaten Sukabumi; (3) Profil sosial awareness, relationship skill, dan responsible decision-making skill guru kimia SMA Kabupaten Sukabumi di mata siswa, (4) Desain pembelajaran perkembangan teori atom menggunakan model 3D di SMA Albayan Goalpara; (5) Profil kemampuan berpikir logis siswa SMA sebagai dasar pendekatan TaRL dalam pembelajaran kimia; (6) Pemahaman siswa SMA kelas X pada materi ikatan kimia dengan menggunakan model guided discovery learning, dan (7) Pemahaman konsep dan pengetahuan prasyarat kimia peserta didik kelas X SMAN 1 Pelabuhanratu tahun Pelajaran 2023/2024.

The dissemination was very interesting because each participant appeared directly in discussion with all participants (lecturers, teachers, students), so that the time that lasted was short. After 7 appearances, the activity continued by entering the breakout room to design a strategy for each group in writing articles that would be submitted to JRPPK/JPI or did not rule out the possibility of other journals. Hopefully, this P2M activity will be useful and the love for the world of Education will continue to increase. See you at the next P2M activity of the Department of Chemistry Education. (TR)