Sarjana Kimia
Tentang Program
“To be an outstanding study program in chemistry and applied chemistry based on local wisdom that relevant to scientific advancement”
To create an outstanding and globally competitive chemistry graduates;
To promote chemical science in accordance with the community needs and the advancement of science based on the local wisdom eminence;
To organize chemistry related community services;
To establish and to strengthen national, regional and international partnership networks.
- Menghasilkan sarjana kimia yang menguasai ilmu kimia dengan bidang keahian tertentu (lingkungan, makanan, material, dan hayati)
- Menghasilkan produk penelitian kimia inovatif berbasis potensi lokal sesuai perkembangan ilmu dan kebutuhan masyarakat
- Menghasilkan karya pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang berhubungan dengan penerapan ilmu Kimia berbasis hasil penelitian dan pengembangan.
- Menguatkan jejaring kemitraan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian dengan berbagai institusi.
- Tersedianya sarjana kimia yang dapat menunjang pembangunan nasional Indonesia dan berdaya saing global.
- Tersedianya berbagai karya penelitian dan pengembangan yang dapat menjawab persoalan dan kebutuhan masyarakat.
- Tersedianya berbagai karya pengabdian inovatif untuk pemecahan masalah masyarakat.
- Terciptanya jejaring dan kemitraan dengan berbagai institusi untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelaksanaan fungsi pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian.
The Bachelor of Chemistry program aims to produce graduates who can become practitioners, junior researchers, and entrepreneurs in chemistry or other chemistry-related fields, and contribute to the development and application of chemistry. In addition, graduates of the Bachelor of Chemistry are expected to work in research institutions, industries, the educational sector, government, and other chemistry-related sectors. To achieve the above goals, alumni of the Bachelor of Chemistry program are expected to have:
- the ability to apply chemical science to various fields of work and professions,
- the ability to research in the scientific field of chemistry so that the alumni can contribute to solving problems using relevant research methods,
- the ability to take advantage of innovations in the field of chemistry into products with a commercial value,
- insights into one of the fields of material chemistry, biological chemistry, food chemistry, and environmental chemistry
- fundamental knowledge and skills to continue studies, and
- the ability to communicate globally and have entrepreneurial skills .
Capaian Pembelajaran
Codes of PLO | Description of PLO |
Subject-specific competences | |
BC-1 | Have gained chemistry relevant knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences. |
BC-2 | Have gained in-depth and well-balanced knowledge of essential concepts on inorganic, organic, analytical, physical chemistry, and biochemistry. |
BC-3 | Have gained knowledge of concepts and principles on environmental, material, food, and bioorganic chemistry as well as their applications on a selected field. |
BC-4 | Be able to work independently by implementing occupational health and safety concepts and regulations in the laboratory, environment, and industry. |
BC-5 | Be able to utilize standard methodologies to solve chemistry-related problems and their implementation in other contexts and situations. |
BC-6 | Have gained chemistry-related skill and knowledge on business and management. |
Generic competences | |
BC-7 | Be able to plan and carry out research as a scientific investigation to solve a problem independently and present it as a scientific work. |
BC-8 | Be able to obtain, process, interpret, and evaluate scientific data and draw a meaningful conclusion by considering scientific and technological aspects as well as scientific ethics. |
Social competences | |
BC-9 | Be able to communicate with colleagues from the related field and general public on chemistry-related contents and problems, and use the foreign language in a cross-cultural frame as a lifelong learner. |
BC-10 | Have gained knowledge of chemistry-related professional standards, principles and ethics and exhibit responsible attitudes for work in their field. |
BC-11 | Be able to work independently or as a part of a team. |
BC-12 | Have gained social skills and knowledge as well as responsible attitudes and leaderships and implement them in a professional setting. |
Struktur Kurikulum
Study Plan
Update Terbaru
Program Studi Magister Kimia membuka penerimaan mahasiswa baru semester genap tahun ajaran 2023/2024. Program Studi Magister Kimia sudah terakreditasi internasional ASIIN dan Unggul. Tersedia beasiswa
Melalui berbagai persiapan, pelaksanaa, dan evaluasi kegiatan Akreditasi ASIIN, Alhamdulillah 3 Program Studi di Departemen Pendidikan Kimia telah terAkreditasi ASIIN yaitu Program Studi Pendidikan Kimia
Pendaftaran Magister Pendidikan Kimia