Laboratorium Kimia Dasar dan Kimia Analitik
This laboratory is designed to facilitate students’ comprehension of chemistry concepts related to analytical chemistry, have gained knowledge of concepts and principles on environmental and material chemistry as well as their applications on a selected field, work independently by implementing occupational health and safety concepts and regulations in the laboratory, environment, and industry, as well as work independently or as a part of a team . Students have opportunity to learn about safety lab, basic skill laboratory, fundamentals of chemistry, and conduct various practicum in analytical chemistry such as titrimetric, gravimetric, potentiometric, cation exchange, and separation.

Laboratorium Proses Belajar Mengajar
This laboratory is designed to facilitate students to have gained chemistry relevant knowledge of mathematics and natural sciences, work independently by applying the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) regulation in the laboratory, environment, and industry, apply scientific methods in chemistry and chemistry education, and have gained theories of fundamental learning of pedagogical content knowledge. Students have opportunity to develop experimental procedure in chemistry, the ability to solve problems in everyday life, the ability to design and/or conduct investigations, as well as the ability to design and/or create creative works.

Laboratorium Kimia Fisik dan Anorganik
This laboratory is designed to facilitate students’ comprehension of chemistry concepts related to physical and inorganic chemistry, have gained knowledge of concepts and principles on environmental and material chemistry as well as their applications on a selected field, work independently by implementing occupational health and safety concepts and regulations in the laboratory, environment, and industry, as well as work independently or as a part of a team . Students have opportunity to conduct various practicum such as gas, thermodynamics, kinetical chemistry, equilibrium chemistry, chemical synthesis, as well as crystal formation.

Laboratorium Kimia Organik dan Biokimia
This laboratory is designed to facilitate students’ comprehension of chemistry concepts related to organic and biochemistry, have gained knowledge of concepts and principles on food and biological chemistry as well as their applications on a selected field, work independently by implementing occupational health and safety concepts and regulations in the laboratory, environment, and industry, as well as work independently or as a part of a team. Students have opportunity to conduct various practicum such as separation and isolation of organic compound, synthesis and characterization of organic compound, qualitative analysis of organic compound, qualitative and quantitative analysis of biomolecule, and enzyme kinetics.

Laboratorium Kimia Instrumen
This laboratory is designed to facilitate students’ comprehension of chemistry concepts related to analytical chemistry, have gained knowledge of concepts and principles on food, environmental, material and biological chemistry as well as their applications on a selected field, work independently by implementing occupational health and safety concepts and regulations in the laboratory, environment, and industry, as well as work independently or as a part of a team. Students have opportunity to conduct measurement using advance instrumentation such as High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectroscopy (LC-MS/MS), Gas Chromatography (GC-MS, GC-FID), Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA), Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR), Atomic Absorbtion Spectrophotometer (AAS), and UV-Vis Spectrophotometer.

Laboratorium Riset Kimia
This laboratory is designed to facilitate students’ to have gained knowledge of concepts and principles on food, environmental, material and biological chemistry as well as their applications on a selected field, plan and carry out research as a scientific investigation to solve a problem independently and present it as a scientific work, work independently by implementing occupational health and safety concepts and regulations in the laboratory, environment, and industry, as well as obtain, process, interpret, and evaluate scientific data and draw a meaningful conclusion by considering scientific and technological aspects as well as scientific ethics. Students have opportunity to conduct their final research regarding material, environmental, food, and biological chemistry. Each laboratory is equipped with typical instrument/equipment to facilitate research in bachelor of chemistry and master of chemistry degree program.

Fasilitas Komputasi
This facility is designed to facilitate students’ skill of computational chemistry, obtain, process, interpret, and evaluate scientific data and draw a meaningful conclusion by considering scientific and technological aspects, scientific ethics, as well as skills in planning, applying, and assessing ICT based chemistry learning process. Students are able to conduct calculation and simulation using computational chemistry. It supports some research activity such as QSAR, molecular docking, and simulation related to molecular structure.

Ruang Multimedia dan Smart Classroom
This facility is designed to facilitate students’ skill in planning, applying, and assessing ICT based chemistry learning process. It is equipped with technology and information-based facility such as smart board and audiovisual to support the learning process and to improve the efficiency of courses management and courses delivery. It supports students to develop digital and multiple representation learning media.